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Consultations: Recent News
Doctor holding fresh fruit and vegetable



Includes 1 x initial consultation (60-90 mins) 1x support call (20 mins) and 1 x follow up appointment (45 mins)

On booking you will be emailed a health questionnaire and a 7-day food diary to complete and return prior to consultation.

The initial assessment involves taking a detailed health and medical history. This is used to develop a nutrition and lifestyle plan.

A realistic plan is developed and agreed between client and practitioner.

Further research is carried out following the meeting and the nutrition and lifestyle plan is then emailed to the client within 48 hours following assessment. This may include recommendations of vitamin and mineral supplements and functional testing (via blood, urine, stool or saliva samples).

Approximately 2 weeks into the program we will have a 20 minute scheduled support call - any queries can be answered and progress assessed.

4-6 weeks following the initial appointment we will have a 45 minute follow up consultation. Assessing progress and making any necessary adjustments  Following up any results from functional tests and incorporating these into the future plan. 

FUTURE FOLLOW UP (45 mins £70)

Please note functional tests are in addition to the consultation fee.

Consultations: Our Services
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